Employability Skills

Daily Employability skills point breakdown

(Total points for participation are based on actual work experience. Students must be on time, paying attention, cooperative, respectful, ready to work, engaged in learning activity, following all school codes of conduct, and abiding by all shop and work environment safety rules)

Assignments and notebooks are counted as class work and assigned points based on the project

Employability Skills

Total Possible …………………….. 10

Phone violations -5

Tardy -2

Lack or participation -8

Absent -10

Disruptive/Dangerous behavior -10

Late assignments will be accepted at specified point reduction (point reduction varies depending on assignment and timeliness of completion)

If student is not in class on day of activities points will be lost due to the fact that some activities can not be repeated.

Grades will be updated weekly

Some days or weeks will not be graded in place of a project grade